EPI vaccines

The Rotarix vaccine

Rotarix protects against the most common diarrhea in children. This vaccine is administered in 2...

The Oral Polio vaccine

This vaccine is available in liquid form. This vaccine is administered in 4 doses at birth, at 1...

The inactivated polio vaccine

This vaccine is available in liquid form. It is administered at three and a half months

DTP-HebBHib2 vaccine (Penta)

This vaccine is administered in 3 doses at 1 and a half months, two and a half months and three a...

The vaccine against Viral Hepatitis B

This vaccine is given in 3 doses at 1.5 months, two and a half months and three and a half months...

The Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine - 13

This vaccine is administered in 3 doses at 1 and a half months, two and a half months and three a...

The combined measles rubella vaccine

This vaccine is given in 2 doses at 9 months and 15 months


Vaccin inactivé utilisé contre la fièvre typhoïde. Il est composé de Polyoside de salmonella typh...

Vaccin anti-HPV

Ce vaccin est utilisé contre les infections à Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Il s'administre aux jeu...